Get in touch

 Giving you the power to give back!

When you identify a way to help out in your community and find like-minded people to help in the effort, you form a Give Back Group. Your group then submits an application for your project and selects one of the two ways listed below that GBU Life will support. All we ask in return is to hear about your success through photos and the end result! 

Work with fellow GBU members to make a difference in your community. Invite others to help as well. Your power to do good increases with each GBU member on your team. Learn more about the two types of Give Back Groups available and apply below. Together, you can make a difference. 

 *Terms and conditions for this benefit are based on funds availability and are subject to change at any time.

Not a GBU Life member yet?

Click the "Join Now" button to apply. 

Join Now


If you are working to raise funds for an organization that impacts your local community, GBU will match the funds you raised up to $1,000 per GBU insured member and $500 per GBU social member in a five-member group (max. $5,000 per group). The maximum amount an organization may receive each year is $20,000.

Eligibility Guidelines

Step 1:


Step 2:

We'll let you know via email if your project has been accepted or if we have questions.

Step 3:

Once your project is approved--start raising funds! Don't forget to take pictures!

Step 4:

Complete a Matching Funds Submission Form and share your story, photos, and fundraising totals (a link for this form will be included in your initial project acceptance email)

Step 5:

GBU Life will process the matching check.


If you are planning your own project to help your local community, GBU will reimburse you for expenses for your project up to $250 per GBU member in your group ($1,000 max). Reimbursable expenses include supplies you need for your project or costs associated with hosting community events. Some great ideas for community projects include: starting a neighborhood garden, cleaning up your local playground or making care packages for local families in need. You and your group can choose how you help!

Eligibility Guidelines

Step 1:


Step 2:

We'll let you know via email if your project has been accepted or if we have questions.

Step 3:

Once your project is approved, get your team together and complete your project. Be sure to save your receipts for reimbursement. Don't forget to take pictures!

Step 4:

Complete a Start-Up Funds Submission Form and upload your receipts for reimbursement, share your story and share project pictures. (a link for this form will be included in your initial project acceptance email)

Step 5:

GBU Life will process the reimbursement check.

The path to creating change starts right in your own neighborhood.

GBU Neighborhoods is a community-driven program that supports causes and organizations important to GBU members by promoting social impact and engagement. Members can take the lead in organizing teams, with access to funding and resources to create lasting change. As we work on developing this program, feel free to join our waitlist. You will be notified when this opportunity becomes available.

Join waitlist


Contact the Community Engagement Team at or 800-765-4428.

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